The right hydraulic fluid for every application
The viscosity, or resistance to flow, of every hydraulic fluid depends on its operating temperature. The operable range of temperatures in which a fluid is effective is called its "temperature operating window". Position and the width of the window depend largely on the characteristics of the pump and the hydraulic fluid itself.
The operating temperature requirements are defined by the application. Within these limits, from start up to emergency situations, the fluid has to protect the hydraulic equipment.
Hydraulic fluids formulated with DYNAVIS® technology are designed to perform consistently and reliably within a wide range of temperatures. From cold to hot, they outperform all conventional hydraulic fluids. The DYNAVIS® formulation ensures that hydraulic fluids exhibit lower viscosity at cold temperatures, and deliver stay-in-grade viscosity performance when operating hot.
If viscosity is too high at the start-up of hydraulic equipment, more power is required by the pump to move the fluid. Even in cold temperatures, DYNAVIS® formulated fluids demonstrate superior performance to conventional fluids due to the demonstrated ability to effectively and economically "start" at a lower operating temperature. Less power is required to move the pump, thereby saving fuel.
Another benefit is reduced "wear and tear" on all hydraulic components, as the normally extreme friction of cold conventional hydraulic fluids is absent in the presence of the DYNAVIS® formulated fluid.
DYNAVIS® formulated fluids resist the effects of heat accumulation. Why is this important? When a hydraulic fluid becomes hot, it reaches a state in which some of the fluid is able to escape the "push" of the vanes or pistons of the hydraulic pump. Rather than being pumped, this fluid recirculates. This condition is called "internal leakage" and the result is a decrease in pump performance, or power. When internal leakage occurs, the pump operator tries to compensate for the lost power by stepping on the gas pedal, or increasing fuel consumption.
Unfortunately, this tends to make matters worse, as the additional friction of the oil forced through the pump's narrow sealing gaps causes the fluid to become even hotter. The hydraulic system's performance continues to deteriorate into an inefficient cycle of increased recirculation and higher operating temperatures - until the fluid is so overheated that vapor locks develop, and the entire hydraulic system comes to a halt (also known as "afternoon slump").
DYNAVIS® technology ensures that hydraulic fluid maintains its viscosity even under extreme operating temperatures, allowing equipment to run more efficiently, reduce downtime, and maintenance.