Meet the DYNAVIS® Team at AUSTMINE 2017
May 22 ‒ 24, 2017 / Perth Conference and Exhibition Centre, Perth
Dear Sir or Madam,
AUSTMINE 2017 is around the corner, and the DYNAVIS® Technology - will be there!
KPMG* and Deloitte** have identified “productivity improvement” as one of the top major challenges and trends in 2017 for the mining sector. The extreme working conditions within the mining industry place enormous demands on mining equipment hydraulic systems. For example, extreme heat can be especially debilitating for hydraulic fluid, causing the fluid to thin and contribute to a condition known as “internal leakage.” When internal leakage occurs, overheated, thin hydraulic fluid “leaks”, or escapes, past the vanes within the hydraulic pump, resulting in the creation of more heat and, thus, more leakage. The result is a loss of power, productivity and reduced fuel economy. Now, thanks to the Oil Additives specialists from Evonik, and their development of DYNAVIS® Technology, mining operators have a cure for “internal leakage” and all the efficiency problems associated with it.
This year as part of DYNAVIS® campaign in Australia, we will be sharing our most recent Performance
Demonstration in a Coal Mine Application in India – with similar weather and working conditions to
Australia. The DYNAVIS® Technology for hydraulic fluids has been validated in different working
conditions and applications, including mobile and stationary equipment, in construction, injection
molding and more recently in Coal Mining.
Should you be interested to hear and discuss in more details about this Performance Demonstration
and eventually, how it could work in your own working conditions, please RSVP with the AUSTMINE
organisers for a one to one meeting to find out more about the DYNAVIS® Technology benefits in
mining equipment in terms of fuel efficiency and productivity improvement.
Thanks again, and looking forward to seeing you in Perth.
Company information
*Source: KPMG
**Source: Deloitte